Let’s face it: Most of us aren’t good multi-taskers. Neither am I.

TAVA Discovery helps cut the “taskiness” of your research workload so you can focus on what’s important: insight

February 2, 2023


You dare suggest, good people of TAVA, that I’m bad at multi-tasking?

No, “not possible,” you say. 

Sorry for the bad news but you’re probably bad at multi-tasking. And by the way, it’s not just you. It’s all of us.

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What the heck is TAVA Discovery?

TAVA Discovery is a productivity tool for knowledge professionals who spend a lot of time researching stuff and need to organize that research into something that helps them do their jobs.

February 2, 2023

Generally, our users are smart, curious, accomplished, and time starved. TAVA is built to remove the time-sucking, “taskiness” of searching for information, allowing them to focus on their work instead.

Okay. So, what does TAVA do?

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