TAVA Discovery is a “one-screen” platform for creating, organizing, and sharing research projects. TAVA is built to save users time by combining search, synthesis and sharing to happen all in one application. Because TAVA saves all your work, including your searches, it boosts productivity by eliminating rework.

TAVA Discovery is not a search engine. Instead, TAVA launches and manages your searches using Google, Bing, and Yahoo!. We also offer the option to search EDGAR, Twitter and Wikipedia. Other popular search sources will be added in the future.

For example, when you enter search terms into TAVA, the system executes your search against all the sources at the same time. TAVA then delivers results marked from each search engine. From there, you can bookmark, snip, or even ignore what TAVA finds.

Because TAVA is technically doing the “searching,” search sources see TAVA, not you. As a result, the search sources are not influenced by who or where you are. One of the best things about TAVA results is that they are delivered free of ads, SEM-promoted content and algorithmic bias. This approach uncovers far more useful and insightful results.

TAVA is built for knowledge professionals who need a better way to search, manage, and share their research projects.

Research shows that knowledge professionals spend up to a third of their time looking for the information they need to do their jobs. TAVA vastly reduces the time it takes to find information and organize work-based research. And, because TAVA saves all your work, you no longer need to invest valuable time re-researching common topics.

We’re friendly folks at TAVA, but we have at least four enemies: cut-and-paste, browser tabs app switching, and something we called “stacked searching.” They all conspire to steal your valuable time.

Did you know: knowledge professionals spend about 25-30 percent of their day looking for the information they need to do their job?

Sound familiar: When we’re on a deadline to deliver a report on a topic to the boss, we typically search for the topic online, look for key results, open each link, then, if there’s something useful, we cut and paste the finding into a document or an email.

Then we do it again – this is what we call, stacked search – likely opening a bunch of browser tabs and a separate document (app switching) in this step-and-repeat process.

All this toggling back-and-forth with tabs, cutting and pasting and stacked searching is a hassle, a time waster, and a cognitive trainwreck.

TAVA saves you time by delivering a “one-window” search and knowledge management platform. No need to app switch, no need to cut and paste.

We hear it all the time: “I keep dozens of tabs open to preserve my searches and I’m afraid to close out of my browser.”

  • People don’t like losing the good stuff.
  • Expensive time was invested finding the good stuff and no one likes re-doing work.

TAVA helps you get the good stuff quickly; and once you have it, you won’t lose it.

Finally, TAVA helps put that good stuff to work easily and quickly with our Discovery Workspace. Because TAVA is also a collaboration tool, you can save colleagues time and effort by sharing the good stuff you found. Everybody wins.

Think of “Discovery” as a notebook for a research project. Like notebooks, a Discovery can contain information on any subject.


  • Have titles
  • Contain the search terms and search results for that research project
  • Feature a workspace to organize results and capture insights
  • Are saved in a directory like documents or spreadsheets
  • Can be shared with colleagues, partners, and friends

Discoveries and their contents, including search terms and results, are automatically saved. TAVA’s “Ever-crawling” feature lets users schedule TAVA’s search tools to automatically update your results.

Yes, you can share your Discoveries with other TAVA users. We think the ability to share the insight you’ve gained from your Discoveries is the “hero” feature of TAVA Discovery.